Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Book So Far

I have been enjoying "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime".  I think that it is very interesting being written from the eyes of an autistic person.  I like the way the story is teaching me more about how someone with autism thinks and acts.  The story is written so well that it keeps me interested and I want to read on.  I think it is different the way all the chapters are prime numbers.  I can't wait to see what happens next.


  1. Nice job Ashleigh I like the when you wrote "I think that it is very interesting being written from the eyes of an autistic person" to me this shows that the book is different.

  2. Good job, I also agree with you, this book does teach you alot on autism and how it affects others, I can't wait to read more :)

  3. What do you hope happeneds next?

  4. I agree with the comments above. This book is not like others, like you said the chapters are prime numbers, that's pretty cool and i like the fact that this book carries a lot of suspense.

  5. do you think you can relate with anything in the book?

  6. we also find it interesting that the author wrote the book as chris because it lets us see how an autistic person thinks.
