Sunday, January 19, 2014

Final mark

In English this year I think that I have self regulated really well. I am always here and I have only missed 1 class because I was sick.   I am always on time to and try not to waste time and stay focused.  I finish all my assignments on time.  In class I  only use my phone when we are allowed to. I think that I am a active listener  but I need to work on being a active reader. In this categories I think I should get 31/33

Analyzing and creative work 
I think that I could improve in this catalogue. 
When I am writing I prefer to do paragraphs on a General topic like the ones we did looking at the different pictures. 

That was probably my favorite assignment all year.
I also think that I am much better at writing informal paragraphs. I need to work on Formal paragraphs. For the literary terms I think that I would be able to identify them and be able to find them in a paragraph or poem. Making connection  is easy for me to connected it to my life. It is harder for me to connected  piece with other piece of literature. The essay type are the easiest  for me to write would be a argument or a narrative paragraph I have troubles with writing Synths. I think that my writing is ok but I need to improve on it

Some of the PLO's we have complete this term are:
Read,both collaboratively and independently, to comprehend a variety of literary texts. We have done  this by reading the "curious indent of the dog in the night time" in class and reading it independently. We have also comepletyed the PLO. Interpret, analyse and evaluate ideas and information from text. We did this when we were analysis the poems wrote from different people in different place in the world.

Contribution to learning 
I think that I have done a ok job of conntributing. I have a bit of commenting I think that I should have done a bit more over I commenented more at the beginning than now.
I participated in discussions somtimes I think that I could have participated a little more. I only edit a few of my assiments. 
  Here is one I edited 
In total I think I derseve 88/100

Friday, January 10, 2014

The dads pressure to tell chris

In the book The Curious Incident Of A Dog In The Night Time, Christopher's dad does not tell him
where his mother is or that she wrote letters to him.   His Dad had lied to him saying she had died. Do you think that the Dad did the right thing not telling Christopher the truth?  I do not because he might want go see her, he could send letters back to her and he would know that his mother is alive and fine just living in a different place.

I think that he should have told Christopher in the beginning when it happened because now it is worst. The longer he waited to tell Christopher the worst it was going to be.  He should been honest with Christopher about what was going on even if the father was scared and worried how this might effect Christopher.  Lying to Christopher about his mother and then hiding the letters from him had no good ending.  One day Christopher was going to know the truth and that would be even harder on him knowing his father lied to him.

I think that the reason his father did not tell Christopher  about his mother moving to London is because he was upset himself and did not want to deal with Christopher wanting to go and be with her or to go and see her as the father was very angry at her for leaving with another man.  I think the dad started out with anger about the mother and not wanting to deal with it so he lied to Christopher and once the lie had started there was no getting out of it.  The dad believed that it would be alright if he told Christopher the truth when Christopher was older and better able to deal with it.

I think that he should get to the truth about where his mother is.  Christopher deserves to have it explained to him in a way that he would understand it.  He deserves to know where is mother is and that she was writing him letters.  Even if the Dad was angry and did not want Christopher to be with his mother since she had left it was not his choice to make.  Christopher had a right to know that although his mother could not live with them that she was still writing and caring about him.  The Dad should have let this be more Christopher's decision if he wanted to read the letters or to see his mother.

I think that by lying to Christopher the father was really being selfish and not giving Christopher all the information.  I believe that telling the truth even if it is very hard to do is a better then telling a lie.  I also think that Christopher's dad should have thought about his son more then himself and not let his emotions about the mother affect what he told the son.  The hardest part is going to be for Christopher to forgive his father for lying to him because by lying for so long to Christopher could no longer trust his dad and that trust is going to take a long time to get back.  This is why I think he was wrong to lie to Christopher because now Christopher has no one he can trust.