Friday, September 6, 2013

The house that moves

My family loves to talk about going all over the world. Traveling through Europe and Australia. It was fun to dream because my parents always said that it would be to much money to go traveling.  My brothers and I really wanted to go traveling.  We where thinking about all the ways we could save money to go.  We thought of a few things but it would not come close to how much money it would take for the 5 of us to go.  So we all just kept dreaming.

One day my brothers and I went downstairs to our basement and while we were down there, my older brother was walking and he noticed that the floor felt different.   We all went over to where he was standing and we could definitely feel the difference.   We needed to know why the floor felt different.  We went to my dad's garage and got some of his tools to help us raise the floor boards.   When we went back to the to the basement we locked the door so our parent could not come down and see what we were doing.  Then my brothers pried the floor up and we saw a large hole.  My oldest brother, Justin,  got a flashlight and looked down he noticed a ladder on the side.  We were all very curious what was done there so he climbed down and we all followed after him.   When we got down to the bottom it was really dark, and the flashlight did not light up a very big area.  After looking around together we spotted a switch on the wall that looked like a light switch.   I went over and turned the switch on.  The whole area got very bright in the middle of the room was a big table with switches, leavers and buttons.
We had no clue what they all  did or why they were hidden in our basement floor.  Just as my brother reached over to flick one of the switches  to see what it did,  we heard my mom calling for us.  We did not want her to come down to the basement.  So we all climbed up the ladder, my brother Jason and I ran up the stairs to mom while my other  brother put the floor boards back in place.  My mom wanted to know what we where doing and we just said nothing just watching tv and relaxing . She said to come up stairs and get ready for dinner.  We all really wanted to go back down to see what the thing under our house did.  We knew we would have to wait.   We were very busy that night and never got to go back down.

The next day we all got up really earlier and went down stairs before my parents got up.  It was a good thing that it was Saturday so we had all day.  When we when down stair we saw that 1 button said "fly" over it,  others said "right", "left", "higher", "lower".   But we did not know what this all meant.  My brother Justin being the oldest decided the first button to press was the one that said fly.  After he pushed the button, the whole house started shaking, we all started screaming.  The next thing we knew the house started moving up.  My parents came running down the stair to see if we were all right and what was happening.  I think they thought it was an earthquake.   When they looked out the window they saw that we were flying, my mother started to scream and was looking all over for us.  We yelled that we were down in the hole.  Both my parents rushed down.  They did not know the room existed and were very happy that we were all OK.   However the soon realized we were the ones moving the house.   We were all pretty scared.  My dad wanted to know if my brother knew how to get us down.  My brother said it was just like a video game and took us higher and faster and made all kinds of turns.  My dad was getting very upset and told him to get us back on the ground.   My brother landed the house perfectly and my dad started looking around to see how a house could fly.

As my dad was looking under the house to see what was going on he realized that someone had designed our  house so it really could fly with no problem.   As everyone was calming down, I came up with the idea that we could fly over to Europe and Australia and we could see the world in the comfort of our own home.  Since we were flying it, it would not cost as anything to get there and we would have a place to stay when we were there.   I will admit it took awhile for my parents to warm up to the idea but  eventually they decided why not.  The next thing we knew are house was safely landed in Paris just down the road from the Eiffel Tower.  Now we seem to be traveling all the time and we are really having a lot of fun in our flying home.


  1. Great first write Ashleigh. Thanks for writing so much. I love the idea of bringing your house with you to travel the world, mostly because I don't like hotels. Keep up the effort this year.

  2. Your story was really intresting. It had really good detail,I really liked the idea of using your house as a plane and hotel.Great Job!

  3. Your story is really good, I liked it a lot.

  4. Good story with lots of details. Nice ideas and ending
