Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Being a teenage

I am enjoying being teenager.  I like having more freedom and time to do the things I want.  I also don't mind the responsibility that comes with being a teenager.  I am very lucky that I have family and friends that are great to be around.  I enjoy many family activities.  My family enjoys boating in the summer and when I was a child this was fun, but now that I am a teenager I get to do many more things on the boat that teach me responsibility but are a lot of fun.  They are both fairly strict but fair and try to always balance my responsibilities with fun.   I enjoy school although I must say I like visiting with my friends more then the school work.  I feel that some of my classes are a lot of fun and make me enjoy coming to school and help me through the harder courses.  The best part of school is that there are lots of things to join and do, if you want and lots of activities to do.  The worst part of school at least this year will be preparing for Provincial Exams that I have never had to take before.  I don't have a job as of yet but it is something that over the next year or so I will be looking into as I get my driver's license.  I will need to be able to afford all my expenses.  That is another thing that I enjoy about being a teenager is that I can pick and choose my expenses.  That more decisions are mine to make.  I am learning that some decisions I make may not be the best and I have to live with the consequence of that decision.  There is no one else to blame it on.  Sometimes this can be scary but most of the time I can always turn to someone to help me with the tough choices.  Being a teenager for me is pretty easy and a lot of fun.  I can say that not much upsets me in my life.  I guess I am pretty lucky.


  1. I like the idea but maybe re-read your story and use different words other like "enjoy".

  2. I agree with your first few sentences :) good job!

  3. I agree with what you said but you had a few grammer mistakes

  4. I like your choice of words and how you end the paragraph. But you missed some "a's". Other than that I loved it.
