Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mid term

a)  In English I have not missed a class.  I think that I am on task most of the time.  I am  self regulated and try not to waste time.  I try to complete all task in the time given in class.  Although I do not have a twitter account I have regularly checked all twitters.  I have never been late for class and try to listen in class.  I believe I deserve 23% in this.

b)  I have completed all 15 tasks on time.  I have completed the task to the best of my abilities.  I feel I deserve a 25% in this.

c)  I believe my quality of work is the best of my ability.  I feel I have always put in my best effort to get the assignments done well.  I notice that some of my classmates have done longer writing assignments.  I think my work compares well with most of the class.  I am going to try to include more quotes or support for some of my work.  I have noticed comments saying that I should use more examples to support my ideas.  I am including a snap shot of my favorite essay I have written so far.

I believe I deserve 20% on this.

d)  I believe that I participate in class discussions and try to help others with there work.  I believe getting on task helps other do the same.  I have commented on most of the class work although none of my comments stand out.  I know this is one thing that I have to work harder on to supply constructive criticism instead of only the positive.  I am getting used to doing things on line and expressing my self on line but it is taking time.  I believe I should get 20% on this.

My believe my overall my should be around 88%.


  1. i agree with your mark and i lke how you put a screenshot of your tweets

  2. I think you could go a little higher on your quality of work


  4. I agree with most of what you said but you could improve on commenting because I don't see your name on the comment pages much.

  5. Good job!! You always work and stay on task in class. Maybe you could add on more about B:)

  6. i think that you are being hard on yourself and you should bring your grade up a bit because you are a very hard worker and all your work is really good! keep it up

  7. i think you deserve more than 88%...cause i've seen you work..

  8. i agree with most people here, you undersold yourself a bit

  9. i agree with all of the comments above you are always on task never late always here and engaging on what were doing so yes you did undersold yourself a bit.

  10. I agree with your mark, I like how you used pictures to support your mark.

  11. I think you should give yourself more then 88% because your work quality is pretty good, and you are a hard worker!

  12. I can understand it may be hard to give feedback to another. Don't say your comments never stand out, everyone is at their own ability :) Great job including the screenshots and giving detail in your writing. I agree with you, you are always well focused and get your tasks done on time weather it is in class or at home, keep up the great work !

  13. I think you should give yourself 25% on your attendance/self regulation. You always pay attention, and complete tasks in class.

  14. I agree with Anisha and Gayle. You are very focused in class and well on task.

  15. I agree with Anisha it is hard to give feedback to a peer. What I don't agree with is your overall mark you deserve a lot more. In the real world people will take advantage if you underestimate yourself, that's why you show them out of hard work what you can do and that's what you did. I say 92% would be a good mark for you.

  16. I agree with abhi i think you deserve a higher mark cause you pay alot of attention in class

  17. You should post some screenshots of your comments on other posts but you deserve a full on mark for attendance because you are never late and always on time. You also put in all your effort when you write a post on your blog just like Sukhleen.

  18. Ashleigh, read the above comments. Clearly your peers see and appreciate your efforts in this class. That said, I think your evaluation of your writing is fair and honest. I think you make up for a lot of what you think may be "not so great writing" with really great work habits. I'm proud of you so far. :)
