Sunday, November 3, 2013


The soliloquy I chose is in act 2 scence 5 lines 1-17.   In the soliloquy Juliet is waiting for the nurse to come back.  The nurse had been gone for 3 hours taking a message to Romeo.  Juliet is thinking maybe she could not find Romeo, she is wondering what could have happened.  Juliet thinks the nurse should be faster delivering the message to Romeo that she should fly back and forth like cupid with wings.  If the nurse had any feelings she would travel fast like a ball bouncy back and forth between Romeo and Juliet.  But the nurse is old and might as well be dead.  She is clumsy and slow and moves like lead.  Juliet keeps looking out the window waiting to see if the nurse is coming back.

I think the significant of this soliloquy is that Juliet is waiting for Romeo's response to whether or not he is interested in her or if she should forget him and go marry Paris.  His response could change the play completely if he was not interested in her.  Juliet is very anxious because she wants his answer to be yes that he loves her.  This is a very important part in the play.

I liked this soliloquy because it was a time that could change the play.  It is an important decision that she is waiting for.  I also liked the way it showed how anxious Juliet was and even though she truly likes the nurse she was getting upset because she felt it was taking so long.  It was funny how Juliet felt the nurse should fly like cupid, and not be so slow like she was dead.


  1. You should put the actual quote into your essay

  2. Great job!! I really like the effort you put into it! Great job on describing what the soliloquy means:)

  3. I think it's more the action's following the solilquy that would have the large impact.

  4. I agree when you said that is the time the play could change. But i think you have to translate the soliloquy not explain it...

  5. I agree with himmat, you should add quotes to support ideas

  6. Good job but I think the significance could be more than that

  7. I think that you did a really good job writing out your opinions, but to make your writing better i think you should add quotes to prove your points. other then that i think you did a good job :)

  8. I agree with Jayde and Marc. Maybe incorporate the quote into your writing .

  9. I think you should put the quote that you explained into your first paragraph!
