Wednesday, October 2, 2013



The three poems on relationships were written very differently and about different kinds of relationships.  However when you take a closer look at the poems there is a connection to our relationship theme.  The poems can all relate to the way teenagers are dealing with life.  The poem "Your Heart" connects to the life of a teenager on how some things can be really difficult and yet they are still able to find contentment in parts of their lives.  It can be hard but yet they can still find happiness.  In the poem "To A Stranger" also connects with being a teenager by relating to how they can dream of relationships.  Trying to find the perfect person in your life.  It can reinforce a belief in love at first sight that many teenagers believe will happen to them.  In the poem "Unentitled" although it relates to nature it can also relate to the life of a teenager being content just being where you are.  I feel that the part of the poem about how you can be far away from home and yet feel like you are at home relates to feelings about being content and happy where ever you are.  

All three poems although different and telling different stories can all be related to life.  Each poem give a different view point and different feelings.  However all three poems are about different kinds of relationships and how they can make us feel.  


  1. I love it,Its a bit short though maybe you could add something about how the poems connect to one of your writing assignments or other peoples.

  2. I like how you point out that all 3 poem's show diffrent types of relationships.

  3. I agree with Jayde and Emma. Maybe use some quotes to explain your idea.

  4. Great effort at connecting the poems. Paragraphs, quotes, and connections to your own work are all great suggestions. You may want to try to write the same ideas without the word "you" in it. Formal writing is more universal... for example... "When read in succession, the poems reflect several common facets of teen relationships." Take out the "when you take a closer look" parts. :)

  5. I really like how you found a way to connect all three poems to being a teenager

  6. I think it should be into paragraphs

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I like how you relate the teenagers post to the poems that we have read. Great connections but I think that it should be in paragraphs. Good Job!

  9. I really liked your essay:) maybe you could add a bit more, maybe relate it to our myers brigs test or our essay we did on teenagers:)

  10. I liked how you explained all three very differently but you should relate it to other things.
