Thursday, October 24, 2013


The nurse and Juliet have a great relationship. Their relationship is like a mother and daughter.  The nurse has been with Juliet's family for at least 14 years, all of Juliet's life.  Juliet is very formal when talking with her mother even calling her "Madam" but shares everything with the nurse.  Getting advise and opinions from her.  The nurse and Juliet are so close that she is the only one that knows Juliet is getting married and the nurse did not tell Juliet's parents.  The nurse calls Juliet "Lamb" and "Ladybird" has terms of endearment.

A bad relationship is between the two families the Montague and the Capulet.  They have been feuding for years.  Before Romeo and Juliet were even born.  They have been very verbal with their fighting.  "Do you bite your thumb at us sir?"  The whole town knows about their feud.  They argued so much in public that they have both been warned if they fight again in public they will both be killed.

I believe that Shakespeare thinks that it is more common to be feuding or fighting then to be in a normal relationship.  I feel that most of the characters in the play are not in good relationships.  That he portrays   dysfunctional relationships more in the play then he does healthy, normal relationships.


  1. I totally agree with everything you said and it was really nice to see the way you included the ladybug and lamb names. For me that shows her bond with Julliet do you agree?

  2. I like the little touches like abhishek mentioned, but you could have used more quotes to support your details. :)

  3. I think you can add a bit more to your opinion but I like the details you included !

  4. I think you should have used more quotes

  5. I agree with Himmant, recap: you should use more examples/quotes from the character you've chosen. Also you could provide good and bad examples in both of the relationship.

  6. Love your last paragraph... tell me more.

  7. i think your opinions were great but more details please?..
