Thursday, October 24, 2013


The nurse and Juliet have a great relationship. Their relationship is like a mother and daughter.  The nurse has been with Juliet's family for at least 14 years, all of Juliet's life.  Juliet is very formal when talking with her mother even calling her "Madam" but shares everything with the nurse.  Getting advise and opinions from her.  The nurse and Juliet are so close that she is the only one that knows Juliet is getting married and the nurse did not tell Juliet's parents.  The nurse calls Juliet "Lamb" and "Ladybird" has terms of endearment.

A bad relationship is between the two families the Montague and the Capulet.  They have been feuding for years.  Before Romeo and Juliet were even born.  They have been very verbal with their fighting.  "Do you bite your thumb at us sir?"  The whole town knows about their feud.  They argued so much in public that they have both been warned if they fight again in public they will both be killed.

I believe that Shakespeare thinks that it is more common to be feuding or fighting then to be in a normal relationship.  I feel that most of the characters in the play are not in good relationships.  That he portrays   dysfunctional relationships more in the play then he does healthy, normal relationships.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Nurse view about love

 My opinion of love is I don't believe that there is love at first sight and true love. I believe there is no true love or love in Verona. All the relationships are already decided by parents or family members. The people that I work for lord and lady Capulet do not have any love I'm there relationship. Lady Capulet is only with him because of his money and just does whatever he tells her to, and lord Capulet is looking at younger girls all the time. And for crying out loud Juliet is getting married to an old man chosen by her parents, this is not love at all. I have never had anyone love me, I have no family or children of my own, Juliet is the only person I've ever loved. There is even no love with the Montagues and Capulets, they are always fighting. I think there will be no love for me, and the Montagues and Capulets in Verona. I don't know why Juliet is with Romeo a Monatgue, I am still trying to register what I saw at the party. I don't like Romeo, I don't think there is any love there, if he hurts her he is going to be very sorry.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ashleigh Interim report

In English 10 I think that I have made a good effort to stay focused in class and having completed all my assignments on time.  I have never missed a class and never been late to class.  I have commented on a lot of people's work, although I should probably be commenting more.   I also need to find more ways to contribut to the class.  I also think that I have to try and make my assignments longer.  The class has been lots of fun. I really like how much freedom we have in this class.  I enjoy being given the assignment and then be able to complete it on my own.  I really enjoyed are essay writing about the pictures we saw.  I chose the house that was flying and I enjoyed writing about it.  I also felt that going out and taking pictures about poetry terms really helped me to understand what our term meant.  I am getting used to blogging and do assignments on line this is all new to me as I do not have facebook or twitter so I have had a bit of an adjustment putting my opinions on line.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013



The three poems on relationships were written very differently and about different kinds of relationships.  However when you take a closer look at the poems there is a connection to our relationship theme.  The poems can all relate to the way teenagers are dealing with life.  The poem "Your Heart" connects to the life of a teenager on how some things can be really difficult and yet they are still able to find contentment in parts of their lives.  It can be hard but yet they can still find happiness.  In the poem "To A Stranger" also connects with being a teenager by relating to how they can dream of relationships.  Trying to find the perfect person in your life.  It can reinforce a belief in love at first sight that many teenagers believe will happen to them.  In the poem "Unentitled" although it relates to nature it can also relate to the life of a teenager being content just being where you are.  I feel that the part of the poem about how you can be far away from home and yet feel like you are at home relates to feelings about being content and happy where ever you are.  

All three poems although different and telling different stories can all be related to life.  Each poem give a different view point and different feelings.  However all three poems are about different kinds of relationships and how they can make us feel.