Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ashleigh Interim report

In English 10 I think that I have made a good effort to stay focused in class and having completed all my assignments on time.  I have never missed a class and never been late to class.  I have commented on a lot of people's work, although I should probably be commenting more.   I also need to find more ways to contribut to the class.  I also think that I have to try and make my assignments longer.  The class has been lots of fun. I really like how much freedom we have in this class.  I enjoy being given the assignment and then be able to complete it on my own.  I really enjoyed are essay writing about the pictures we saw.  I chose the house that was flying and I enjoyed writing about it.  I also felt that going out and taking pictures about poetry terms really helped me to understand what our term meant.  I am getting used to blogging and do assignments on line this is all new to me as I do not have facebook or twitter so I have had a bit of an adjustment putting my opinions on line.


  1. I agree with you self evaluation. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Ashleigh I would say your in the top 10 for all ten for all the students in our english, you aren't afraid to ask for help which is something I wish I could do. I totally agree with your evaluation.

  3. I agree with everything you said, you always work in class and stay on task, great job!!! Keep up the good work:)
