Friday, October 18, 2013

Nurse view about love

 My opinion of love is I don't believe that there is love at first sight and true love. I believe there is no true love or love in Verona. All the relationships are already decided by parents or family members. The people that I work for lord and lady Capulet do not have any love I'm there relationship. Lady Capulet is only with him because of his money and just does whatever he tells her to, and lord Capulet is looking at younger girls all the time. And for crying out loud Juliet is getting married to an old man chosen by her parents, this is not love at all. I have never had anyone love me, I have no family or children of my own, Juliet is the only person I've ever loved. There is even no love with the Montagues and Capulets, they are always fighting. I think there will be no love for me, and the Montagues and Capulets in Verona. I don't know why Juliet is with Romeo a Monatgue, I am still trying to register what I saw at the party. I don't like Romeo, I don't think there is any love there, if he hurts her he is going to be very sorry.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you explained love in a sense of frustration because love can be expressed in many different ways and Nurse thinks of love as a business where its all about wealth and social status.
